After Hurricane María, two sisters must make the difficult decision of either staying in Puerto Rico or moving to the United States to search for a better future. In the end, the youngest one decides to leave, while the oldest decides to stay on the island. (7:34 min.) Cast: Nanixi Bauzá...
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A young woman goes out searching for bread and ice but after waiting in line for a long time, she gets distracted and a young man takes all of her supplies. (3:53 min.) Cast: Ariam Gutiérrez, Nerymar Ríos and Roberto Echeverría Screenwriter and director: Kef Matthew Coley and Nicole Ríos...
Vicente and Ana are a young couple studying in college and live in an apartment that has been flooded due to the hurricane. While cleaning, Ana realizes that she’s pregnant and both of them have to deal with this very complicated situation. (5:02 min.) Cast: Giovan González de Requenses...
“Érase una suegra” – “Once upon a mother-in-law”
A young woman starts a conversation with a nursing student while waiting in line for an ATM machine. Her ex-mother-in-law recognizes her and assumes she has a new boyfriend, the nursing student. From then on a funny situation ensues. (5:42 min.) Cast: Nanixi Bauzá Muñoz, Juan...
Olga is a nurse who lives in the mountains and who is the mother of a young woman that studies in the city of San Juan. After Hurricane Maria they are both unable to communicate and are very worried about each other. Two weeks go by and Olga is finally able to get closer to her parents’...
“El candungo de oro” – “The golden container”
Without electricity, water or cell service, our protagonist has to drive in search for gasoline for the generator at home. While waiting in line at the gas station, Gabriel finds a golden container that brings him good luck: he sees his ex-girlfriend from high school, and as he drives...
Jose Wharton is a graduate student in the ESTEEM program at the University of Notre Dame.
Harold J. Toro is teaching professor of Sociology at the Keough School of Global Affairs of the University of Notre Dame. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 2007, and spent one year as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Harvard’s Weatherhead Center for...
A native of Puerto Rico, Felipe is an Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Notre Dame. Prof. Santiago-Tirado earned a BS in Industrial Biotechnology at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez campus, with both research experience aimed towards an industrial...
Yamil Colon is the Melchor Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Notre Dame.