Cristina Catalá Lugo lives in the small mountain town of Yauco in the south of the island. She provided the footage and photographs of the destruction caused by the Hurricane in Yauco. In this interview, Cristina Catalá tells Professor Moreno how in the absence of government support...
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Magaly Ramis is a resident of San Juan and a small business owner. In this impromptu street interview in the Santurce district of San Juan, Magaly talks about how she owns and operates her own boutique, Will asks her about her business, what’s keeping her here (and if she would ever...
Lucas Mulea is a resident of San Juan and has been unemployed since the hurricane hit. In this impromptu interview in the Santurce district of San Juan, Lucas briefly discusses the challenges that he has faced in the wake of Hurricane María.
Orlando Pérez Nievez owns a small barber shop in Adjuntas. Thanks to Casa Pueblo, his shop is the first solar-powered business in the town. Orlando Pérez Nieves owns a small barber shop in Adjuntas. In this interview with Professor Anderson, he talks about how the solar energy provided...
Edwin Pacheco and Florentino Santiago are fishermen based in Guánica, the town in southern Puerto Rico where the U.S. invasion took place in 1898. While they describe how Guánica was one of the areas least directly impacted by Hurricane María, fishermen Edwin Pacheco and Florentino...